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Need to reserve a ChromeCart? The Commons? Here's how to do it!

Add the following calendars to your TSAS account by clicking the following links (ChromeCart 1, ChromeCart 2, Collegiate Commons Computer Lab), then clicking the "+Google Calendar" button in the bottom right corner on each, like this:

How to save Google calendar from link

To Reserve a cart or lab

  1. Create an event in your calendar with the name of your class and the precise time you'll be using the resource
  2. Before saving, click "Rooms" on the right, then select the resource you wish to reserve
    • If the resource is not available, it is reserved elsewhere. Check the calendar to see who is using it
  3. Save the event
  4. You have reserved it successfully if you see two identical events appear in your Google calendar: one under your calendar, and one in the resource calendar you reserved
Reserving a resource in Google Calendar

To change your reservation

The resource calendar event will "follow" the event in your calendar, so simply move/delete the event in your calendar to change your reservation.

To retrieve the ChromeCart

  1. Send a single student to the front office for a key (they are color-coded: yellow for ChromeCart 1, blue for ChromeCart 2) in the cubbies to the left of the mailboxes
  2. Student should unplug cart from the wall in the commons and double-check the display to make sure they are taking the correct cart
  3. Student should use the elevator if necessary